Divorce & Legal Separation

nicerock-wedding ringDissolution of marriage (also known as divorce), or legal dissolution of a marriage, is very common in California. A divorce, even when amicable, can induce great pain, anguish, resentment and a host of other unpleasant feelings, situations and scenarios for all involved. In the unfortunate event of a marital separation or divorce in California it is imperative that you consult with a California Divorce Attorney about protecting your rights under California divorce laws.

While no two divorces are alike, a common thread in all divorces is that the legal process can be confusing and overwhelming without a knowledgeable attorney to guide you. The Law Offices of Kenneth L. Harvey works closely with clients to keep them informed of the status of their case at all times and the outcome they can realistically expect to achieve. Divorce is never easy, but having an experienced family law attorney can help.