Restraining Orders

Is it safe to be around him or her?

couple-fighting-Domestic violence is a serious issue, whether you are the victim of domestic violence or accused of being the perpetrator of domestic violence. In California a domestic violence restraining order can create presumptions regarding child custody and visitation and spousal support which can carry long-term consequences.

Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order requires that the relationship between the alleged victim and the accused perpetrator fall within certain prescribed parameters; for example the parties were married, in a relationship, lived together or have a child together. Similarly, the California Family Code allows for the issuance of a restraining order only if the accused has engaged in certain conduct and provides only for limited relief in domestic violence proceedings. Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order can be an important step in putting an end to a cycle of abuse and preventing further such abuse

Divorce_fightingIf you are in a troubled relationship, some things are important for you to know. First of all, no matter what your abuser may have told you, you are not responsible for the abusive behavior. Second, domestic violence escalates over time; it will not get better through inaction. Lastly, you do not have to suffer threats, intimidation, assault, or other forms of family violence or abuse. You can protect yourself and you can make choices that will improve your lives and give you hope for a brighter future.

If you or a loved one have suffered abuse or threats, seek the advice of an experienced domestic violence attorney. The Law Offices of Kenneth L. Harvey can file an order of protection (restraining orders) immediately, and we can direct you to social service and counseling professionals to help you deal with the negative emotional effects of your experience.